Howdy Y'all!!
I've recently moved from the states where I had a few British friends. All they'd talk about sports wise was rugby which they said was a better version of what I call football. So obviously when I found out I was moving to Britain I was eager to watch some rugby. However I couldn't help but notice some startling differences between the two and was just hoping I could get a few questions answered
1) Why does the player scoring a touchdown always dive across the goal-line? Is this some form of showboating that we in the states have managed to get rid off?
2) Why does a touchdown score less points?
3) How come the player who kicks the field goals stays on the pitch during open play?
4) Why can none of the teams I've watched afford helmets or pads? They cant be that expensive surely
5) Why have you decided the quarter back role should be abandoned along with throwing the ball forwards? Who's crazy

was it to decide the best way to get towards the red-zone is to throw the ball backwards?
I just don't understand what my friends were talking about! I've tried my best to watch but it just makes me
If you could help me understand better I'd be grateful