Quote Cripesginger="Cripesginger"If you could manage to read what i write rather than jump to conclusions you will not find reference to brown as a crap player. I rated him as a good player in 09 and much of 10. However in 11 and 12 he has declined significantly and emerged as a biscuit boned player. No sensible giants supporter could argue that brown has not declined significantly since 2009.
The near home thing is twaddle, players commute across the pennines with ease. And playing well with injuries would appear to be beyond Brown.
I have seen that Widnes have had problems with Moore and watts etc ho hum. We have Moore for a few more games on buttons. Widnes have an injury prone, soft player on the decline for 4 years. oh dear.'"
I did read what you wrote and as a few say he will come good at Widnes.