Quote Durham Giant="Durham Giant"I would imagine that the cheerleaders, and the caterers and the printers and everyone else owed money might like to think that The BRADFORD BULLS as an entity might like to get some of their money back.
alternatively when Bradford try to sign some contracts for services next season they might be told give us the money up front or FO.
It also makea mockery of the RFL that they bailed Bradford out and left them with their assets and did nothing for the creditors.
If what you are saying is right i could see the Bulls and the RFL being tied up in legal issues for years.'"
The Cheerleader/caterers/printers and everyone else is owed money by Bradford Bulls Holding Company Ltd - they have now gone bust.
The trading name Bradford Bulls has been transfered (or "bought") by a new company OK Bulls Ltd, they don't have to pay the Holding Companies debts. They would have to pay any debts in the name of Bradford Bulls (note soley Bradford Bulls, not Bradford Bulls Holding Comapny Ltd) but since there were no debts in this name then they do not have to pay anything. The contracts for the players are held by Bradford Bulls, and as such are covered under TUPE rules and still valid (but with an option for the players to refuse to TUPE)
For what it is worth I hate holding companies for this exact reason, but this iis the bones of the situation. Non of the creditors had deals with Bradford Bulls (though they might have thought so), they had deals with Bradford Bulls Holding Comapny Ltd. It's a legal loophole designed to screw over the "little man" but there is not much you can do about it without re writing the law.
With regards to Kopczak - as I see it he has resigned under TUPE rules which he is fully allowed to do - however Bradford will still hold his player registration with the RFL until 2013. Legally Bradford Bulls will not will a argument about him leaving the company, but the RFL could rule that to transfer his registration whoever he has gone to have to pay the Bulls, or they could rule that he is unable to play until he can file a new player registration in 2014, but they could also rule that due to situation we have been in that he was allowed to seek alternative emplyment - it all come down to what the RFL decide and I don't see why we need need solicitors for that.